Happy Birthday Mom!!


I hit the mom jackpot with this lady. For. Real.  


She is hilarious. She is kind. She is hard working. She makes THE best lasagna you’ll ever eat. Basically, everything she touches in the kitchen is golden. All my best recipes are stolen from her. She is compassionate and fights for those without a voice. She inspires me to do the same. Her family is always her priority. I’m speeding to my mid-thirties 🙈 and I still need her’s to be the first earthly advice I seek. She is the linchpin in our family wheel. 

She should be celebrated every day but I’m so thankful for June 28 as that was the day God gave her to this earth. She’s done some amazing things so far and made quite a few influential marks in her corner of the world. I can’t wait to see what this next year will bring! I hope it includes lots of spoiling, traveling, laughter and love! 

I love you Mom! More than I could ever say! You’re simply the best and I’m so blessed that I got you! 😙


YWAM Honolulu Happenings


It is super exciting to be part of YWAM Honolulu right now! April made three years since I came back and I’m forever thankful to be here. As a base we’ve been saying for years and years that we need to be more active in the community. I think we’ve really seen breakthrough in that in this past year. As the SOME Director I am more excited each day about missions and seeing what God is doing in Asia. We have two teams from our Korean DTS graduating this week. They’ve spent the last two months in China and Thailand. Our Nepal DTS team came back to Honolulu last week after the horrific earthquake hit last month (they were there when it happened) – they’re finishing their outreach here in Honolulu speaking and volunteering at churches. We have another team in Papua New Guinea. Our 9 month Chronological School of Biblical Studies finishes in three more weeks. Something cool is always happening here! 😊 If you’re interested in staying updated on YWAM Honolulu (and me!) we have a monthly newsletter you can sign up for. You can also follow us on social media – Facebook or Instagram

New Quarter = New Responsibilities 


We started a new quarter on April 9 here at YWAM Honolulu! I had to cancel my SOME (School of Missions & Evangelism) due to low numbers but I’m super excited about running the school in September and having the next 4 months to make some changes and dream big! I have two staff currently here on the base and we’ve been getting together every Thursday morning to pray and plan. We already have some good interest in the school so I’m praying for at least 10 students come September! 🙏🏼

Until then, I’m staying busy as Personnel Director and running our main office as well as doing some Admin work for our CSBS (Chronological School of Biblical Studies) and cooking one night a week in the base’s kitchen. 

I took December – February off and spent some time in Montana with my family. It was such a nice break! Last year was pretty crazy with leading two teams in a row to Indonesia. I’m missing that country a lot these days and just itching for the chance to go back. 

Thanks for reading…I’m going to be better about posting on here – I PROMISE!!

For now, I’ll leave you with a few photos (believe it or not, this last weekend’s trip to the North Shore was the first time I’ve gone to the beach in a month – I really need to appreciate where I live more!) including my new office (I’ve never had my own office before!).





We spent the first two weeks of our outreach volunteering at a base in East Java. We loved it! The people where we stayed were amazing and so hospitable. And the ministries the base has set up are awesome – they take in kids who don’t otherwise have a home as well as students going to university that need a place to stay. They also take in elderly people who have no one else to care for them. Finally, they have a community development center that they open up to the public Monday through Friday where people can come to buy clothing and food at discounted prices, as well as get their hair cut.

Their base is surrounded by six mosques and Muslim training centers so the call to prayer is all you can hear multiple times a day starting at 3:30am and ending after 10pm. Everyone, from the five year olds up to the 90 year olds, gather EVERY morning at 4:30 to pray to Jesus. At least one or two of us joined them each morning and we’re able to share a devotion with them. So inspiring!

We spent our days hanging out at the community center, working in their garden and taking care of the elderly. We put on a few fun game nights and spoke at quite a few small groups. We were there for two Sundays and spoke in a total of 6 church services!

We couldn’t have asked for a better start to our trip! It was amazing to see how God is using this small property surrounded by mosques to bring the love of Jesus so tangibly and practically to East Java. There were quite a few tears shed before we headed back to Bali…






Outreach Prep is Real


Throughout lecture phase, anytime we had a last minute change in schedule or something crazy to do or I just had no idea what might happen next I would tell our students “This is good outreach prep guys!” It started to catch on and eventually the students were saying it too. Everything unexpected was “outreach prep.” The last week before we leave for outreach is called “Outreach Prep” week. We had to get up at 4am to hike Koko Head. We did crazy team building exercises. At a nursing home we performed a dance, some dramas and songs, gave a testimony and a sermon and then led our audience in games and exercises. We ate crazy food (spam! 😳).

All this because outreach is always full of surprises. Our students (and us leaders too) need to be ready for any and everything at a moment’s notice.

Our first 24 hours in Indonesia were quite easy, nice. We stayed at a nice hotel, ate great food, recovered from our long journey. Outreach prep came in handy at about 25 hours in…

We are spending our first two weeks in the city of Jember, which is in eastern Java. Our contact here arranged for a mini-bus to pick us up at our hotel in Bali and bring us straight to her base in Jember. About a week ago she told me she’d have us picked up at 12 and the journey is about 5 hours. On Tuesday night I got an email saying we’d be picked up at 4 and the journey is 7 hours. I told the team to be ready for anything. One of the boys that lives in the orphanage we’re staying at was visiting his uncle in Bali so he was riding back with us. At about 5 pm, he and Vijay were picked up. Only 10 people could fit in one van so they had to ride separately. I had our only phone so I prayed we wouldn’t have any problems meeting up with Vijay later and that our van would show up shortly. About 45 minutes later it came. We all piled in with all of our luggage. It was actually quite spacious and comfortable. KJ told me “Mandy, I could ride in this for 30 hours!”

After about an hour or so, our driver got gas and then pulled over to the side of the road and tried to communicate with us something about him eating across the street and us walking down the road. We had been told that the ride included dinner so don’t pay for anything, so I was a little confused about what was happening. But our driver spoke very little English and I speak even less Indonesian. So we all walked down the road until it became clear there were no other restaurants. After adding a few more people to our conversation we figured out we were stopping so our driver could eat and our restaurant was about 2 hours down the road. Okay. Right after that we ran into Vijay and our new friend Deven who explained that because of Ramadan our driver could eat now that the sun was down and we would all eat later at the restaurant that the driving company contracts with. Deven also told us we should arrive in Jember at about 5am – making our journey a little over 11 hours. Back in the van we went.

At midnight, a little over 6 hours into our journey, we got on a ferry to go from the island of Bali to the island of Java. That only took about 30 minutes. At about 2:30, most of us were either sleeping or dozing when our driver’s phone rang and after a quick conversation he turned off the road and stopped the van. Right before he turned, though, we could see that a van looking like ours was stopped ahead with a group of people surrounding it and at least one person looking quite injured on the road. Obviously there had been an accident. After a few minutes, Vijay and Deven came over and told us their driver had hit a motorbike carrying two men and one of them was injured and the other one was dying in the street. It was awful. I think, in a way, most of us were so deliriously tired from jet lag and the long van ride and confused about what was going on it didn’t hit us at the time.

At around 3:15, 9-1/2 hours into our journey, we arrived in Jember. We piled out of the van, made quick introductions with some of the people who greeted us and went to our beds to sleep. Shortly after laying down, the Muslim call to prayer started over the loudspeakers. We’re actually surrounded by about 6 mosques and training centers so often we hear more than one call at a time. The calls last for over an hour each and start at 3:45am and end between 10 and 11pm every day.

Sorry this was such a long post. I’ll write more about Jember and the amazing ministry we’re working with here later. I just wanted to share our first crazy experience. Everyone had great attitudes and we all laughed through most of it. I’m so thankful for outreach prep. And for the awesome 10 people I’m traveling with.

We Have Arrived


I’m back in Indonesia! It’s only been 4-1/2 months since I left but I’ve already found one thing has changed!

My favorite Starbucks has shut down! 😫 It’s actually for the best – I don’t have money for Starbucks anyway.

We left Honolulu at 1:20am Monday morning and after traveling about 17 hours we arrived in Bali, Indonesia Tuesday afternoon. That crazy international date line caused us to miss a good chunk of time. We stayed at a hotel that night and relaxed most of Wednesday before walking to Kuta for lunch and a quick peek at the ocean before being picked up for our journey to Jember, in East Java.

So far everyone is loving Indonesia. They’re fascinated by each similarity and difference in our cultures. And we’re ready and excited to see what God is going to show us while we’re here!


Never Say Never


You know that saying “Man makes plans and God laughs”? I’m sure we’ve all experienced that a time or two. Well I was pretty sure my April through August was going to include a new S.O.M.E. and an outreach to Thailand for July and August. And in the interest of full disclosure, because I’d so enjoyed staffing SOME, I’ll add I may have said “I will never staff DTS again.” (Current students, please do not stop reading at this point haha) Well folks, I am a prime example of what happens when you say never!

Plans change. Things fall through.

I am now a little over a month into staffing our spring DTS and taking a team to Indonesia in just about 6 weeks. If you had told me that’s what I would be doing 3 months ago I would’ve called you crazy.

But you know what?? I’m LOVING every minute! It’s a small school – just 10 students. They come from all over – the US, Canada, Germany, China, New Zealand, Australia. The thing I love most about DTS is watching people discover anew who Jesus is – what He means to them individually. And discovering how important they are to His plan. This group is amazing and I cannot wait to see not only what God accomplishes in and through them in Indonesia but beyond DTS!

I am so very thankful that God’s plans are always better than my own. Even when my Type-A personality gets thrown for a loop and I need to refocus and readjust, His ways are always better and so very worth it!





Special shoutout to this little cutie who sat so sweetly on my lap while I frantically typed this. 😉


Hey! Remember me? It’s been a long time! Sorry about that! I’m going to do my best to recap the last 3 MONTHS as best I can…

Wow, last time I blogged I was getting ready to return to Honolulu after 2 months in Bali. It was great to be back home, but very sad to say goodbye to the group of people I spent just about 24/7 with for 5 months! The School of Missions and Evangelism was such an incredible experience for me! I can’t remember the last time I was so busy but it was so worth it! God taught me so much about Himself – not only His love for me but for every single person on this planet. How He created cultures differently – each with a unique way to worship and glorify Him. How He gives each of us not only strengths and gifts but also passions and those things put together give us purpose. My favorite part of SOME outreach was watching each person find a ministry that they enjoyed and really go for it. We each had to do 30 hours/week of ministry but it was up to us to fill those 30 hours up – meaning we didn’t necessarily have to do everything together as a team. A big part of a Discipleship Training School outreach is “trying out” different ministries – so students have a well-rounded idea of what different people do on the mission field. An SOME outreach is set us so you can try to experience how long term missionaries might live on the field. What are you passionate about and how can you use that to further the Kingdom of God? I am so proud of each of our students! They each gave it their all each day. And I miss them all terribly!


The next month was full of visits from family! First, Mom and Dad came and then my sister, Haley came with her friend, Candi. Visits from home are the best!


Also, Chris and Cary welcomed sweet little Noah into the world right after I got home. I had the privilege of seeing him born – such a crazy miracle!


That brings us to April 10…the beginning of our spring quarter here at YWAM Honolulu. That’s a whole other story in itself so I’m going to save it for tomorrow. 😉



I can’t believe we’re leaving Bali so soon! The last two months have flown by! Sorry for the lack of posts! 😔

I mentioned a few different ministries in my last post. Every Monday and Wednesday we go to a local slum and hang out with kids for a few hours. The local workers have an awesome setup and I’ve really grown to love this ministry. I’ve been able to help with one of the three English classes. Yesterday we were able to help them clean two rooms so that they’re able to expand which is super exciting! Until now they’ve only had one room for three classes – imagine 30+ kids ranging in age from 5 to 12 or so all learning English at one time! Here’s a few pictures from our time there:




Another ministry I’m going to miss is a local orphanage. The lady who runs it is an Indonesian YWAMer who takes babies into her home and raises them until they’re 18. They all call her Mama. Right now she has 8 children – 4 boys and 4 girls. The oldest is 10 and the youngest is 15 months. While I was there the other day a Muslim woman stopped by to talk to this lady about taking her baby that is due next month. The woman and her husband already have 5 kids and can’t afford another one. Heartbreaking. It’s awesome to see how loved each of these children are and how much she champions them.



20140208-211953.jpgThis one is Marvel. He became my favorite! 😉

We’ve all worked with different ministries during our time here – these are just two. We’ve met a lot of awesome people. I’ll try to send out a newsletter soon with more stories. If you don’t usually get my newsletter please email me. 😊 In the meantime, thanks once again for your thoughts and prayers while we’ve been away. We fly home Wednesday!

Persecuted Church


Last night we went to one of the international churches to watch a video about the persecuted church called “Love Costs Everything.” Wow. What a wake up call. I wish I could stream it on here so you all could watch it. I think a lot of us immediately think of China when we hear about the persecuted church but China wasn’t included in this documentary. The Middle East, India and Columbia were the main focuses. Did you know that more Christians died for their faith in the last century than all the centuries before added together? Did you know that it is estimated that at least 400 people die each day because they call Jesus their Savior?

After the video we prayed for the persecuted church. We didn’t pray for persecution to stop, though. It’s a fact that where there is persecution the church grows by drastic amounts. Crazy, right? One of the men in the documentary was a survivor of an attack on a church, Our Lady of Salvation, in Baghdad in 2010. He said that he believed before the attack but he left that church (after being shot multiple times and held hostage for hours) knowing without a shadow of a doubt that God is real. The documentary said there are many instances when people describe a greater knowledge of God’s presence when they’ve been under attack. In Mark 13:9-13 Jesus tells us there will be persecution. But it’s an easy thing to forget when we live in the West and freedom is something we often take for granted.

I get nervous sometimes when sharing my faith…but not because I’m worried for my life. Watching that documentary gave me a much needed eye opening. I live in a place where I’m free to discuss what I believe. I need to take more advantage of that. And I need to pray more for those who do not enjoy those same freedoms. Those that have more boldness and courage than I will ever know. Those who’s obedience leave me in awe. Matthew 16:25 says “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Let’s not forget Kenneth Bae in North Korea or Saeed Abedini in Iran. Let’s not forget the hundreds who will lose their lives today.

One if my favorite worship songs at the moment is “Worthy of It All”
You are worthy of it all
You are worthy of it all
For from you are all things
And to you are all things
You deserve the glory

He IS worthy!

Sorry for the heavy post…kinda. 😊